Composition of the Committee CSI
The individual doctoral student follow-up committee must be made up of at least two people. All the members of this committee must not be involved in the doctorate and must hold a doctorate. The composition must respect the following rules:
At least one member who is a specialist in the discipline or related to the doctoral field.
At least one non-specialist member from outside the research area of the doctoral work.
At least one member from outside the institution and the laboratory, unless an exception is made upon a justified request by the doctoral director.
A third member may be chosen by the doctoral student if possible before the first meeting of the CSI by informing the doctoral director.
The composition of the committee, excluding the third member, must be determined within the first four months following registration in the dedicated form on Amethis.
Individual Monitoring Committee CSI
Each year the PhD student must meet his Individual Monitoring Committee (between April and June).
The next CSI campaign will be launched in summer 2024 and will now pass through Amethis.
The deadline for submitting the progress report and the CSI report on Amethis is June 30. The CSIs must therefore take place upstream.
The CSI can also meet at any time
Formulaires et Guide pour le CSI
The next CSI campaign will be launched in the spring of 2023 and will now pass through Amethis.
The deadline for submitting the progress report and the ISC minutes on Amethis is 30 June. The ISCs must therefore be held in advance.
Documents to be completed by CSI members :
Engagement de confidentialité pour un membre du CSI
Questionnaire d'autoévaluation des liens d'intérêt pour un membre du CSI
Compte-rendu du CSI
Document to be completed by doctoral students:
Rapport d'avancement pdf
Prior to a Monitoring Committee meeting, they write a summary of their work and send the progress report to the individual Monitoring Committee members, on the Amethis tool, at least eight days before the ISC meeting. The number of pages of this summary report depends of course on the year of the thesis in progress. But in any case, it should not exceed 10 pages. An effort of synthesis is thus required from doctoral students.
For more information, please consult the Amethis FAQ which explains how to enter and submit your CSI. (https://amethis.doctorat-bretagneloire.fr/amethis-client/faq)
Selection of rapporteurs
French referees must hold an HDR.
For foreign referees, a CV must be provided to the doctoral school justifying a level equivalent to an HDR.
The referees must be external to the research unit, to the doctoral school and to the doctoral student's institution of registration.
The referees must not have been involved in the doctoral student's work, nor have collaborated directly with the thesis team for at least the last 5 years.
To date, CSI members cannot be thesis referees.
It should be noted that the rapporteurs are not necessarily part of the defense jury.
Constitution of the jury
Half of its members must be from outside the doctoral school and the registration institution.
Half of its members must be senior figures (professors, research directors or equivalent).
Emeritus professors and researchers are not included in the 50% rank A quota.
The jury must include at least one teacher-researcher or equivalent from the institution accredited to award the degree.
A CV must be provided to the doctoral school for any foreign member of the jury.
Equivalence of foreign academic degrees in France
Comparison table at 26 September 2012
The jury may also include a guest member, at most, without restriction of degree. The guest is not part of the jury; he or she is therefore not taken into account in the criteria for the validity of a jury and has no deliberative vote.
On the day of the defence, the members of the jury must designate a president. This function can be fulfilled by a member of the Doctoral School as long as he or she does not depend on the institution where the doctorate was carried out. Rapporteurs can play this role.
Financial support from the ED
These scholarships aim in particular to encourage outgoing mobility, to reinforce the training of international excellence and to develop their network.
Requests must be accepted jointly by the project management, by the research unit and by the structure involved, which undertake to ensure completion.
Files are submitted over the course of the calendar year. It is instructed by the ED MaSTIC manager who ensures that the file is complete and compliant, the deadline is respected and the budget is available.
Applications can be funded by the ED and jointly by the EUR (for doctoral students from Nantes) or by the Angers and Le Mans sites.
The relevance and coherence of the mobility project as a whole is examined.
The amount awarded is fixed according to the project presented. This sum is paid to the winner's Research Unit in one go, at the latest at the end of the calendar year, subject to supporting documentation.
Support for long and/or international mobility
Funding for the organization of scientific events ED/EURagent profile
Travel form