Resources and contacts


Nantes University
Directeur : Yannick AOUSTIN


Centrale Nantes
Olivier Henri ROUX

Le Mans University
 Laurent DENIS

Angers university


Responsible for scientific events at ED MaSTIC
Mohammed EL GIBARI

Responsible of training equivalences

The executive manager of the doctoral school

Nantes University

Doctoral school site managers

Le Mans University

Nantes University

Angers University

Representative doctoral students

Angers University
Rita-Nathalia ASSAF

Nantes University
Juliette POTTIER

Le Mans University


Les associations sur vos sites

Site de Nantes

  • JCEENA ( association Jeunes Chercheurs en Energie Electrique de Nantes Atlantique)       contact mail 
Ses missions :

      To welcome, integrate and support new doctoral students in the IREENA laboratory; to create an evolving network of doctoral students and former doctoral students of IREENA, to inform young researchers about the prospects offered to them and to promote their integration, to allow doctoral students to undertake actions to enhance and promote their training, to bring doctoral students of IREENA closer together by organising various events (socio-cultural and scientific events, sports activities and friendships); to federate and represent the young researchers of IREENA in order to share their respective experiences and develop a team spirit.

Translated with (free version)
The LOGIN association is a group of young researchers in Digital Sciences based in Nantes, including Master 2 research students in computer science, Ph.D. students, and ATER. Its main objectives are to foster communication and collaboration between young researchers, share relevant information, engage in the activities of academic structures (such as labs, doctoral schools, and universities), and organize social, scientific, and cultural events.

Its activities:
- Provide a mailing list and a Discord server for young researchers to ask questions, exchange information, and share knowledge. These modes of communication are highly valued for addressing programming questions, administrative information, meeting announcements, and other important matters.
- Young researchers often have limited knowledge about the research interests of their colleagues, which is unfortunate as there may be valuable opportunities for collaboration and knowledge-sharing. To address this, LOGIN has initiated the "Ph.D. students Half-hour", scientifics seminars by and for Ph.D. students.
- Organize various socio-cultural and scientific activities to promote the development of young researchers.
- Encourage inter and intra-lab exchanges among young researchers.

  Ses missions :
To unite and represent the doctoral students of the École Centrale de Nantes in order to share their respective experiences and develop a team spirit among doctoral students. The ACDC also creates a link between the doctoral students and the various structures of the school.

Site d'Angers

Created in 2020, ADDE aims to welcome, advise, inform and create cohesion and meeting places for foreign PhD students. ADDE is also involved in scientific events supported by the SIS Doctoral School. ADDE organised the 1st edition of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Colloquium, an annual meeting where interdisciplinary themes are discussed and special sessions are dedicated to improving the reception and fighting against the isolation of doctoral students, particularly foreign doctoral students at the University of Angers. The 2021 edition was dedicated to "Scientific productivity through the prism of COVID-19. Access to research fields in times of crisis".
The ADDE is also involved in the popularisation of the scientific work of doctoral students. The association is present at events such as the Nuit des Chercheurs (Researchers' Night), Campus-Day and the co-direction of a radio programme on Radio-campus Angers, where doctoral students can promote and popularise their work. A doctoral student guide has been created by the association to facilitate the integration and administrative procedures for newcomers.

coordonnées : 
Page linkedin :  ADDE Association des Doctorant.e.s Étranger.e.s
Instagram : association_adde
Adresse :  5 bis boulevard Lavoisier, 49100 Angers.

Site du Mans

  • ADOUM (Association des Doctorant.e.s de l'Université du Mans) contact mail

The association's objective is to encourage meetings between doctoral students at the University of Le Mans. The association also aims at scientific dissemination by allowing PhD students to present their work. To join these two missions, ADOUM organises regular events within the university (Café Thèse) or outside (Thésard-es au bar). We hope to see many of you there!

Adresse e-mail :
Serveur discord :
Agenda :

Mis à jour le 28 August 2024.